Stay away from cat fights

Cat FightWhile working on building yourself up to be as sexy as possible avoid toxic people and situations whenever possible. We all know about the ladies who love to engage in cat fights. There are televisions shows, movies and books about them. Shows like the “The Real Housewives of Wherever” has made this attitude appealing.

The media has a lot of people believing this toxic behavior is sexy. Maybe to an mentally imbalanced person, it maybe. I don’t know but to the rest of us. Being a bitch 24/7 is exhausting. And unproductive.  Being assertive and speaking up for yourself doesn’t mean being a bitch. Too many people confuse the two.

Toxic people drains your energy. Energy that you need to apply to being sexy. When I speak of being sexy I am not strictly speaking of attracting the opposite or same gender. I’m speaking being sexy for yourself. That’s the first person you have to be sexy for__is yourself.

  I guess you call guys who are bitchy and provocative “dog fights” LOL!

Don’t take the bait walk away. Toxic people love to engage in cat and dog fights. The reason I brought this up is once you start shining and building confidence there are going to be people who try and provoke into words of wit. Ignore them, take the high road and twist off in your sexiest strut. Use that energy to pamper yourself.